The Planning, Zoning and Building Department in East Lampeter Township performs a variety of important services for and provides guidance to Township citizens, developers, businesses, and local officials responsible for planning and implementing the Township’s Comprehensive Plans, Land Use Ordinances and related policies.
The responsibilities of the department are to:
- Provide technical support and guidance to the Board of Supervisors and Planning Commission for both long-term and current planning and zoning issues.
- Assist in coordinating Township Comprehensive Plan goals and strategies with policies.
- Process and issue building, zoning and development permits.
- Maintain geographical information system data and maps for all lands within the Township.
- Carry out long-range community development programs.
- Provide staff support to the Planning Commission and Zoning Hearing Board.
- Assist in the preparation and enforcement of the zoning ordinance, storm water management ordinance, subdivision and land development ordinance, and nuisance ordinance.
- Maintain department records in an efficient manner.
- Assist with other projects at the request of the Board of Supervisors, Planning Commission or Township Manager.

PA Planning Series
PA Municipalities Planning Code
Local Land Use Controls in Pennsylvania Planning Series #1
The Planning Commission in Pennsylvania Planning Series #2
The Comprehensive Plan in Pennsylvania Planning Series #3
Technical Information on Floodplain Management Planning Series #5
The Zoning Hearing Board Planning Series #6
Special Exceptions, Conditional Uses, and Variances Planning Series #7
Subdivision and Land Development in Pennsylvania Planning Series #8
The Zoning Officer Planning Series #9
Reducing Land Use Barriers to Affordable Housing Planning Series #10
2007 LIMC Growing Together Comprehensive Plan
2003 Conestoga Valley Regional Comprehensive Plan
Building Inspectors
Residential Third Party Inspection Agency List:
Associated Building Inspections, LLC (ABI)
1647 N. Reading Road
Stevens, PA 17578
Ron A. Maurer, Code Enforcement Officer
Telephone/Fax # 717-293-9835
Non-Residential & Multi-Family Third Party Inspection Agency List:
Associated Building Inspections, LLC
1647 N. Reading Road
Stevens, PA 17578
Ph. 717-733-1654
Code Administrators, Inc.
1862 Charter Lane, Suite 101
Lancaster, PA 17602
Ph. 717-859-3350
Technicon Enterprises, Inc.
200 Bethlehem Drive
Morgantown, PA 19543
Ph. 610-286-1622
Building Inspection Underwriters of PA Inc
Frank Filiziani
590 Centerville Road
PO Box 354
Lancaster, PA 17601