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Planning Commission

Board MemberTitleTerm expires
Randy PattersonChair11/19/2028
Sarah RiderVice Chair11/19/2026
Jason DagenMember11/19/2025
Jansen HerrSecretary11/19/2027
Jonathan ThompsonMember11/19/2028

About the Planning Commission

The East Lampeter Township Planning Commission is a five (5) member commission appointed by the Board of Supervisors to four (4) year terms.  The Commission is charged with guiding land use and development within the Township.  The Commission makes recommendations to the Board of Supervisors concerning land use ordinances, maps, subdivision and land development plans, comprehensive planning materials, and other tasks as directed by the Board of Supervisors.

All citizens are encouraged to attend and participate in the East Lampeter Township Planning Commission meetings held the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm at the Township Offices, 2250 Old Philadelphia Pike, Lancaster, PA 17602.

Planning Commission Minutes