- Ordinance 375 - Ordinance Governing Municipal Management of On-Lot Subsurface Sewage Disposal Facillities
- Ordinance 373 - Prohibit Parking on a Portion of Millcreek Road
- Ordinance 370 - ELT Police Pension Plan
- Ordinance 369 - Establishing Stop Intersections on Specific Streets within Township
- Ordinance 368 - Ordinance to permit self storage facilities to C3 zone
- Ordinance 367 - Ordinance Defining & Prohibiting Chronic Nuisance Hotels
- Ordinance 366 - 25 MPH Speed Limit
- Ordinance 365 - Adopting an Official Map to Amend and Re-enact the ELT Offial Map adopted in Ord 311
- Ordinance 364 Ordinance Approving Sewer Authority Borrowing $5 million.pdf
- Ordinance 363 - Governing Display Fireworks
- Ordinance 362 - Amending the ELT Noise Ordinance to Amend the Regulations Regarding Fireworks and Animal Noise
- Ordinance 361-Amend SALDO
- Ordinance 360-Amend Mixed Use Zoning District
- Ordinance 359 - Revising ordinance 250-grease interceptors
- Ordinance 358 - Defining and regulating dogs running at large in east Lampeter Township
- Ordinance 357 - Authorizing Execution of a Cable Franchise Agreement between Township and Comcast of Southeast PA
- Ordinance 356 Authorizing Execution of a Cable Franchise Agreement Between Township and Shenandoah Cable Television LLC
- Ordinance 355 - Amending Ordinance No. 116 Highview Drive
- Ordinance 354 - Integrated Commercial Enterprises Amendment in the VC Zone
- Ordinance 353-Amending Ordinance116 Traffic & Parking Highview Dr & Crestmont Ave
- Ordinance 352 -BP Zoning District Amendment
- Ordinance 351 East Lampeter Township Zoning Ordinance as Amended
- Ordinance 350 - Zoning Ordinance of 2016, As Amended 9-21-20
- Ordinance 349 - Amending Stormwater Management Ordinance No. 303
- Ordinance 348 - Zoning Ordinance of 2016 Amendment
- Ordinance 347 - Traffic Ordinance Revisions Della Road at Pleasant Dr
- Ordinance 346 - Regulating Transient Retail Businesses
- Ordinance 345A - Defined Benefit Pension Plan
- Ordinance 345-Stormwater Management, Amended
- Ordinance 344-East Lampeter Township Zoning Ordinance, As Amended
- Ordinance 343 - AMending The Pension Plan for the Plice Officers of the Township of East Lampeter Providing for a Deferred Retirement Option Plan
- Ordinance 342 - Authorizing The Township of East Lampeter to enter into and Intergovermental Cooperative Agreement with the City of Lancaster involving Multiple Traffic Control Devices
- Ordinance 341 - Authorizing Cooperation with Suburban Lancaster Sewer Authority in the Billing of the Authority's Sewer Customers
- Ordinance 340 - Amending Police Pension
- Ordinance 339 Recycling Ordinance Amendment
- Ordinance 336 - Noise Ordinance
- Ordinance 334 - Adoption of IPMC 2015 Edition
- Ordinance 330 Amended 2016 Zoning Ordinance 8-21-17
- Ordinance 329 - Traffic Ordinance Parking Mill Creek Road
- Ordinance 328 - Hotel Guest Registration
- Ordinance 323 - 2016 Zoning Ordinance
- Ordinance 322 - Correcting Floodplain District
- Ordinance 321 - Revise Floodplain
- Ordinance 320 - Amend IPMC
- Ordinance 318 - Public Event Permits
- Ordinance 316 - Excessive Shoplifting
- Ordinance 315 - IPMC
- Ordinance 312 - Transient Retail Business Licensing
- Ordinance 311- Official Map
- Ordinance 309 - Amendment Apartment House-MultiFamily Dwellings
- Ordinance 308 - SALDO Amendment Road Frontage Improvements
- Ordinance 307 - Revised and Restated agreement to create a Crash Scene Investigative Unit
- Ordinance 305 - 2014 Traffic Ordinance Revisions Involving Crest Avenue
- Ordinance 304 - Billboards
- Ordinance 303.a - Stormwater Management Ordinance
- Ordinance 302 - 2014 Traffic Ordinance Revision Involving Irishtown Road
- Ordinance 301 - Amending Non-Uniformed Employee Pension Plan to amend the Accrued Bebefit Payable to Active Participants
- Ordinance 300 - Withholding Permits
- Ordinance 298-Transient Retail
- Ordinance 297 - Amended 1990 Zoning Ordinance
- Ordinance 294 - Solicitation
- Ordinance 293 - Regulating Park Use
- Ordinance 284 - Sewer MDL and Non-Compliance
- Ordinance 280 - Nuisances
- Ordinance 275 - Knox Box
- Ordinance 267 - Amended 1990 Zoning Ordinance
- Ordinance 258 - Recycling
- Ordinance 246 - Uniform Construction Code
- Ordinance 226 - Curfew
- Ordinance 224 - Snow Removal
- Ordinance 221 - Establishing Parking Prohibition in an Additional Location
- Ordinance 213 - Amending Ordinance 116, Traffic and Parking Regulation
- Ordinance 209 - Amending Ordinance 116, Traffic and Parking Regulation
- Ordinance 205 - Grease Traps
- Ordinance 200 - Streetlight Assessment
- Ordinance 199 - Amended Subdivsion Land Development Ordinance
- Ordinance 186 - Animals Disturbing Noises
- Ordinance 175 - Amending Ordinance 116, Traffic and Parking Regulation
- Ordinance 173 - Amending Ordinance 116, Article 3
- Ordinance 163 Installaton-Maintenance-Inspection or Repairs of Sewage System
- Ordinance 151-Open Burning
- Ordinance 116 - Traffic and Parking Regulation
- Ordinance 102 Sanitary Sewer Connection
- Ordinance 023 - Sewer Tapping or Connection Fees
- Mobile Home Ordinance
2024 Resolutions
- Resolution 2024-17 Initiating BID Public Process
- Resolution 2024-14 Appointing Open Records Officer and Establishing Policies, Procedures and Fees for Right to Know Request
- Resolution 2024-09 Agreement with Manheim Twp for use of Compost Park
- Resolution 2024-08 Resolution Establishing Rules for Conduct of Public Comments during Public Meetings
- Resolution 2024-07 Execution of PennDOT Agreement for Acceptance of Surface Transportation Urban Funds (80,000)
- Resolution 2024-06 Execution of PennDOT Agreement for Acceptance of Surface Transportation Urban Funds (100,000)
- Resolution 2024-05 Price Adjustment of Bituminous Materials for Small Quantities
- Resolution 2024-04 Supplemental Appropriation for Expenditures in Highway Aid Fund
- Resolution 2024-03 Non-Uniformed Retirement Plan
- Resolution 2024-02 Police Pension Fund
- Resolution 2024-01 Appoint a firm of Certified Accountants
2023 Resolutions
- Resolution 2023-27 Collection of Unpaid Sewer Rentals and Charges
- Resolution 2023-26 Tax Levy Resolution
- Resolution 2023-25 Accepting Additional Right of Way of Windy Hill Road
- Resolution 2023-24 Multimodal Funding Request PDOT Goat Path
- Resolution 2023-23 Disposing of Records
- Resolution 2023-22 Disposing of Records
- Resolution 2023-21 Supplemental Appropriation Liquid Fuel Tax 2023
- Resolution 2023-20 Construction of Goat Path
- Resolution 2023-19 Destruction of SALDO Records
- Resolution 2023-18 Destruction of Records
- Resolution 2023-17 Plan Revision - Gish's Furniture
- Resolution 2023-16 John Deere Tractor Purchase
- Resolution 2023-15 Supplemental Appropriations for Espenditures within Fire Apparatus Replacement Fund for 2023
- Resolution 2023-14 Enter into the Settlement of PA Opiod Misuse & Addiction Abatement Trust
- Resolution 2023-13 Desire to undertake the Lancaster Heritage Pathway
- Resolution 2023-12 Plan Revision for New Land Development
- Resolution 2023-11 Supplemental Appropriation
- Resolution 2023-10 Plan Revision for New Plan Development
- Resolution 2023-09 Price Adjustment of Bituminous Materials for Small Quantities
- Resolution 2023-08 Disposing of Records According to Rqmts
- Resolution 2023-07 Submission of application for RACP funding
- Resolution 2023-06 Acception portion of Bonneville Dr as part of public rd system
- Resolution 2023-05 Plan Revision for New Land Development Zook Esh Yoder Lot 5
- Resolution 2023-04 Non-Uniformed Employees pay 1.33% of gross pay in to Retirement Plan
- Resolution 2023-03 Police pay 5% of gross pay to Pension Plan
- Resolution 2023-02 Paradise Energ Plan Revision for New Land Development
- Resolution 2023-01 Herbein & Company Inc Certified Public Accountants appointed for 2022 audit
2022 Resolutions
- Resolution 2022-29 PA Fish and Boat Commission Grant Program
- Resolution 2022-28 2023 Fee Schedule
- Resolution 2022-27 Tax Levy
- Resolution 2022-26 - Plan Rev for new land dev
- Resolution 2022-25 Implementation of Act 57 of 2022-Property Tax Penalty Waiver
- Resolution 2022-24 Lancaster Heritage Pathway Studies as part of the Connects 2040 Implementation Program
- Resolution 2022-23 Supplemental appropriation for expenditure within Fund 30
- Resolution 2022-22 Creating obligation with contracts for use of ARPA funds in 2023.pdf
- Resolution 2022-21 Supplemental appropriation for expenditure within Fund 04
- Resolution 2022-20 Supplemental appropriation for expenditures with in Fund 04
- Resolution 2022-19 Herbin+ appointed CPA for 2021
- Resolution 2022-18 Resolution of the East Lampeter Township board of supervisors for the multimodal transportation fund grant application
- Resolution 2022-17 Plan Revision for New Development for High Properties
- Resolution 2022-16 Fire Apparatus Replacement Fund
- Resolution 2022-15 plan revision for new development
- Resolution 2022-14 supporting the PA commission for the US semiquincentennial
- Resolution 2022-13 Plan Revision for New LD - 2109A OPP
- Resolution 2022-12 Plan Revision for New land Development -Mister Car Wash
- Resolution 2022-11 Rockvale Trail -Grant Application
- Resolution 2022-10 Standards for the Appointment of External Auditing Firms
- Resolution 2022-09 common wealth and municipal custom traffic signal maintenance agreement
- Resolution 2022-08 Statewide Local Share Assessment Grant
- Resolution 2022-07 Complete Streets
- Resolution 2022-06 Rapid Flashing Beacon Signals
- Resolution 2022-05 Trick or Treat
- Resolution 2022-04 Police Forfeiture Fund 2022 Fiscal Year
- Resolution 2022-03 Non-Uniform Employees Contributiions to Pension Plan (1.96%)
- Resolution 2022-02 Police Officer Contributions to Police Pension Plan (5%)
- Resolution 2022-01 Appointment of CPA -Maher Duessel
2021 Resolutions
- Resolution 2021-16 Recognizing and Congratulating Miss Casey Kaufhold
- Resolution 2021-15 Destruction of Township Records
- Resolution 2021-14 Body Camera Program Funding-Fund 04 Budget
- Resolution 2021-13 Plan Revision For New Land Development -340 Beechdale Rd
- Resolution 2021-12 Conestoga Valley Parks and Recreation
- Resolution 2021-11 Police Forfeiture Fund for 2021 Fiscal Year
- Resolution 2021-10 Plan Revison for New Land Development 5 Strasburg Pike Tunnel Car Wash
- Resolution 2021-09 Disaster Emergency Declaration
- Resolution 2021-08 Plan Revision New Land Development 33 South Eastland Dr.
- Resolution 2021-07 Plan Revision New Land Development 1740 Hempstead Rd.
- Resolution 2021-06 Peer -To -Peer Technical Assistance Project
- Resolution 2021-05 Acceptance of Surface Transportation Urban Funds
- Resolution 2021-04 Credit on Bills issued for Sanitary Sewer Service
- Resolution 2021-03- Appointment of CPA - Maher Duessel
- Resolution 2021-02 Non-Uniformed Retirement Plan
- Resolution 2021-01 Police Pension Fund
2020 Resolutions
- Resolution 2020-25 Traffic Signal - Greenfield Rd & Franklin Blvd
- Resolution 2020-24 Traffic Signal - Inbound Rte 30 ramps & Walnut St.
- Resolution 2020-23 fixing tax rate for 2021
- Resolution 2020-22 disaster emergency declaration
- Resolution 2020-21 waiving penalty and interest charges on sewer bills
- Resolution 2020-20 Grant Application-Body Camera
- Resolution 2020-19 Authoring the acquistion of Real Estate for Public purposes
- Resolution 2020-18 Relief from Penalty and Interest Charges on 2nd Quarter Sanitary Sewer Bills
- Resolution 2020-17 Municipal Winter Traffic Services Agreement
- Resolution 2020-16 Closing Out Community conservation Partnerships Grant Project
- Resolution 2020-15 Request to move County from Red Phase to Yellow Phase
- Resolution 2020-14 Traffic Signal Permit Application- Strasburg Pk - Millport Rd
- Resolution 2020-13 Extending the Period Real Estate Taxes maybe paid
- Resolution 2020-12 Designation of Agent EM-3441-COVID-19
- Resolution 2020-11 Declaration of Disaster Emergency
- Resolution 2020-10 Plan Revision for New Land Development -Zook Esh Yoder Phase 2
- Resolution 2020-09 Keystone Communities Program
- Resolution 2020-08 PADOT Multimodal Grant Agreement
- Resolution 2020-07 Disposal of Township Records Police Department
- Resolution 2020-06 Dial 811 - Safe Digging Month
- Resolution 2020-05 Sewer Planning Module -SNN Hotel Management 2005-2017 LHE
- Resolution 2020-04 Disposing of Records
- Resolution 2020-03 Non Unifromed Employees Contributions to Pension Plan
- Resolution 2020-02 Police Officer Contributions Pension Plan
- Resolution 2020-01 Appointment of CPA Firm -Maher Duessel
2019 Resolutions
- Resolution 2019-20 Tax Levy - Tax Rate 2020
- Resolution 2019-19 amendment to the articles of incorporation
- Resolution 2019-18 Supporting Drug Task Force in 2020
- Resolution 2019-17 Police Forfeiture Fund 2019 Fiscal Year
- Resolution 2019-16 Kauffman
- Resolution 2019-14 Video Gaming Terminals
- Resolution 2019-13 Dedication of ROW offered along Rockvale Road
- Resolution 2019-12 Nuisances
- Resolution 2019-11 Disposing of Records
- Resolution 2019-10 Police Forfeiture Fund 04
- Resolution 2019-09 Plan Revison for New Land Development Kauffman
- Resolution 2019-08 disposing od records according to statutory requirements
- Resolution 2019-07 Disposing of Records
- Resolution 2019-06 - Plan Revision- Kauffman
- Resolution 2019-05 - Non-Uniformed Retirement Plan
- Resolution 2019-04 Lancaster county hazard mitigation plan
- Resolution 2019-03 2019 Non-Uniformed Retirement Plan
- Resolution 2019-02 2019 Police Pension Fund
- Resolution 2019-01 CPA MaherDuessel
2018 Resolutions
- Resolution 2018-24 Traffic Signal Permit - PA340 atCampus Drive
- Resolution 2018-23 Township 2019 Fee Schedule
- Resolution 2018-22 Tax Levy
- Resolution 2018-21 EIT Collections Legislation
- Resolution 2018-20 Recycling Rules & Regulations
- Resolution 2018-19 Additional Budget Appropriation for Police Forfeiture Fund
- Resolution 2018-18 Traffic Signal permit Changes-Greenfield Rd -Hempstead Rd
- Resolution 2018-17 Green Light-Go Program Grant.pdf
- Resolution 2018-16 Supplemental Spending Fund 04
- Resolution 2018-15 Approved 3rd Party Inspection Agencies.pdf
- Resolution 2018-14 Multimodal Transporatation Fund Grant Application.pdf
- Resolution 2018-13 Police Forfeiture Fund.pdf
- Resolution 2018-12 RACP Funding for Rockvale Trail Project.pdf
- Resolution 2018-11 Disposal of Financial Records.pdf
- Resolution 2018-10 Young Lungs at Play.pdf
- Resolution 2018-09 PADOT Mutlimodal Application.pdf
- Resolution 2018-08 Addition to Crash Team.pdf
- Resolution 2018-07 Non-Uniformed Retirement Plan.pdf
- Resolution 2018-06 Traffic Signal Permit Rt462 and Strasburg Pike.pdf
- Resolution 2018-05 Traffic Signal Permit Rt340 and Horseshoe Rd.pdf
- Resolution 2018-04 Wireless Infrastruture Deployment Bill.pdf
- Resolution 2018-03 Non-Uniformed Pension Plan.pdf
- Resolution 2018-02 Police Pension Plan.pdf
- Resolution 2018-01 Appoint CPA-MaherDuessel.pdf
2017 Resolutions
- Resolution 2017-30 Appoint Tax Collector for term 2018-2021
- Resolution 2017-29 Tax Levy
- Resolution 2017-28 No Smoking Signs
- Resolution 2017-27 Real Estate Tax Rate 2018
- Resolution 2017-26 Category 4 Casino
- Resolution 2017-25 Fire Company Workers Comp
- Resolution 2017-24 Records Disposal
- Resolution 2017-23 SB 745 Electronic Publication Act
- Resolution 2017-22 Weis Liquor License
- Resolution 2017-21 Disposal of Records 1988-2011
- Resolution 2017-20 2016 Green Light Go Strasburg Pk and LHE
- Resolution 2017-19 2016 Green Light Go OPP and Horseshoe
- Resolution 2017-18 2016 Green Light Go Replace Control Equip
- Resolution 2017-17 TIF District
- Resolution 2017-16 MultiModal Transportation Fund
- Resolution 2017-15 Representative to TIP Planning Meeting
- Resolution 2017-14 Disposal of 2005 to 2008 Records
- Resolution 2017-13 Oppose Increase Excise Tax
- Resolution 2017-12 Appoint Tax Collector 2017
- Resolution 2017-11 Referendum Small Games of Chance
- Resolution 2017-10 Finance Sewer Camera Purchase
- Resolution 2017-09 PADOT Rt 30 Streetscape Contribution Agreement
- Resolution 2017-08 PADOT Rt 30 Streetscape Reimburse Agreement
- Resolution 2017-07 Creation of Industrial and Commercial Development Authority
- Resolution 2017-06 Create a Business Improvement District
- Resolution 2017-05 Authorization Application for RACP Funding
- Resolution 2017-04 Non Uniform Pension Plan
- Resolution 2017-03 Police Pension Plan
- Resolution 2017-02 GASB stmt No. 54 at 18 Percent
- Resolution 2017-01 Appoint CPA-MaherDuessel
2016 Resolutions
- Resolution 2016-19 2017 Fee Schedule
- Resolution 2016-18 2017 Tax Levy
- Resolution 2016-17 2016 Budget Amendment
- Resolution 2016-16 Record Disposal 2008-2009
- Resolution 2016-15 DEP Sewer module 2324 S View Dr
- Resolution 2016-14 DEP Sewer Module 100 Hartman Bridge Rd
- Resolution 2016-13 DEP Sewer Module 100 Hartman Bridge Road
- Resolution 2016-12 Tanger Traffic Signal
- Resolution 2016-11 Healthy Foods Policy
- Resolution 2016-10 Surface Transportation Urban Funds
- Resolution 2016-09 Sweeper Purchase Bank Financing
- Resolution 2016-08 DEP Sewer Module 355 Pitney Road
- Resolution 2016-07 Policy and Procedure Consultant Selection
- Resolution 2016-06 Designation of Agent
- Resolution 2016-05 Non Uniform Pension Fund
- Resolution 2016-04 Meadow Ridge Land Development
- Resolution 2016-03 Non Uniform Pension Fund
- Resolution 2016-02 Police Pension Fund
- Resolution 2016-01 Appoint CPA
2015 Resolutions
- Resolution 2015-22 Implement GASB 20 Percent
- Resolution 2015-21 Amend Sewer Rates
- Resolution 2015-20 Tax Levy
- Resolution 2015-19 Fee Schedule for IPMC
- Resolution 2015-18 Hartman Station Road Dedication
- Resolution 2015-17 Disposing of Records
- Resolution 2015-16 Non-Refundable App Fee for Events
- Resolution 2015-15 Falls Olde Mill Road Adoption
- Resolution 2015-14 Liquor License Transfer Guidelines
- Resolution 2015-13 PADOT New Land Development 244 Lynwood
- Resolution 2015-12 Traffic Signal Rt 896 and Rockvale
- Resolution 2015-11 Electronic Access to PADOT
- Resolution 2015-10 PADOT Services Agreement
- Resolution 2015-09 Purchase Property 2557 OPP
- Resolution 2015-08 CV Regional Open Space Greenway Recreation Plan
- Resolution 2015-07 Sewer Planning Module PA College of Health Sciences
- Resolution 2015-06 Sewer Planning Mod-Silverstone Inn
- Resolution 2015-05 Disposal of Records
- Resolution 2015-03 Non Uniform Pension Contribution
- Resolution 2015-02 Police Pension Contribution
- Resolution 2015-01 Appoint CPA