Board Member | Title | Term expires |
Ethan Demme | Chair | 1/16/2027 |
Roger Rutt | Vice Chair | 1/16/2027 |
John Blowers | Member | 1/16/2026 |
Glenn Eberly | Member | 1/16/2025 |
Tim Lapp | Member | 1/16/2029 |
Members of the Authority are appointed by the East Lampeter Township Board of Supervisors and serve five-year staggered terms with no compensation. Members of the Authority must either reside or maintain a place of business in East Lampeter Township.
Held quarterly in January, April, July and October. Please check the Township web site calendar for specific meeting dates and times.
Created by the East Lampeter Township Board of Supervisors in January of 2017 through the adoption of Resolution #2017 -07. This action is authorized under the Pennsylvania Economic Development Financing Law, Act 1967 -102. Articles of Incorporation were issued for a term of existence of fifty (50) years.
The purposes of the Authority are to, among other things, apply for and implement economic development financing programs authorized by the Commonwealth and as a top priority the pursuit of economic financing programs authorized by the Commonwealth.
The first project being funded by the ELICDA using TIF funds is the Lincoln Highway Branding, Gateway Signage and Wayfinding project. The ELICDA has engaged a consultant to work with a steering committee and stakeholder groups to develop a brand for the corridor, design gateway features to mark the entrances to the corridor and to develop a coordinated wayfinding system for the corridor. Work on this project began in February of 2021. Look for updates and public involvement opportunities related to this project on this page.
Initially, the focus of attention for the Authority has been to work on projects that will assist in the implementation of the recommendations from the Lincoln Highway Streetscape Plan, which was adopted by the Township in 2015. The first project undertaken by the Authority was the creation of a Tax Increment Financing (TIF) program in order to generate some funding to finance specific Lincoln Highway Streetscape Plan projects. The TIF District is made up of properties along Lincoln Highway East where the streetscape plan improvements are recommended.
A program that redirects Real Estate Tax Revenues to fund specific projects. When properties within the TIF District make improvements, causing the taxable assessed value of the property to increase, the Real Estate Tax revenue generated by this increase in assessed value becomes the “increment”. Portions of this increment have been redirected by the taxing bodies (Conestoga Valley School District, Lancaster County, and East Lampeter Township) and deposited into the TIF fund. The TIF Cooperation Agreement sets forth the portions of the increment that each taxing body chose to divert for this purpose. Projects to be funded from the TIF fund must be approved by the ELICDA.
Additional links
2021 Audited Financial Statements