Notice is hereby given that the Board of Supervisors of East Lampeter Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, shall hold a public hearing and consider adoption of the following ordinance at the regular meeting of the Board to be held on Monday, December 2, 2024, at 7:00 P.M. at the Township Office located at 2250 Old Philadelphia Pike, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. At the conclusion of the public hearing or at a subsequent public meeting held within 60 days of the date of the second publication of this advertisement, the Board shall consider enacting and, if appropriate, will take a vote on adopting and enacting an ordinance, the caption of which is as follows:
The following is a summary of the Ordinance: Section 1 sets forth a short title, introduction and purpose of the Ordinance providing for a sewage management program in the Township. Section 2 sets forth definitions for the Ordinance. Section 3 sets forth the application of the Ordinance to all persons owning real estate serviced by an individual sewage system. Section 4 sets forth the permit requirements for sewage systems. Section 5 sets forth the requirements for inspections. Section 6 sets forth the requirements for operations. Section 7 sets forth maintenance requirements. Section 8 sets forth the duties of an improved property owner with regard to maintenance, permitting and discontinuation of the system. Section 9 sets forth provisions related to treatment tank access. Section 10 sets forth responsibilities of a sewage hauler. Section 11 sets forth regulations pertaining to system rehabilitation. Section 12 sets forth the ability of the Township to impose municipal lien claims for work required by the Sewage Enforcement Officer. Section 13 sets forth requirements regarding disposal of septage. Section 14 sets forth provisions concerning administration of the Ordinance. Section 15 sets forth regulations pertaining to appeals from final decisions of the Township or any of its authorized agents under the Ordinance. Section 16 sets forth penalty provisions. Sections 17, 18 and 19 set forth repealer, severability and effective date provisions.
The full text of the ordinance may be examined at the Township Office during regular business hours. Copies may be obtained for a charge not greater than the cost thereof. However, because no person may be in the office at the time of desired examination, it is recommended that any person desiring to examine the ordinance call the Township Office (Telephone No. 717-393-1567) for an appointment. Persons with disabilities who require any auxiliary aid, service, or other accommodation to observe or participate should contact the Township Office at least five days before the above date to discuss how your needs may be best accommodated.
The public is cordially invited to attend the hearing. Please see the Township’s website at for information on how to attend by live stream.
By: Susan P. Peipher, Solicitor
Notice for Public Hearing 12/2/2024 for Proposed Ordinance 00590367x9DA97